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Refund Policy

To request a refund, simply mail us at support@essentialbiosciences.com with your purchase details within seven (7) days of your purchase. Please include your order number (sent to you via email/message after ordering) and optionally tell us why you’re requesting a refund – we take customer feedback very seriously and use it to constantly improve our products and quality of service. Refunds are being processed after the customer support team validates and analyses the issue, but it will only show in your bank account only when the product comes back to the hub. Once the refund is processed we will intimate you through EMAIL and SMS with the refund transaction details.

To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.
Please do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer.

The refund is only possible if the product is unused, undamaged, and is with the original packaging and with the receipt and the invoice. Only when the product reaches the premises will we refund your amount as decided.

NOTE: For a refund, the name of the customer must be the same as the registered(Essential biosciences) account name and bank account name, Customer must send a cheque photo or passbook photo for a refund with Aadhaar Card or PAN card.

For query mail us at support@essentialbiosciences.com

The seeds germination depends on the soil, atmosphere, fertilizers, watering, etc. Essential Biosciences never claims about seeds germination and harvesting and so a refund is not possible in seeds.

No Warranty on Live Plants as Growing, flowering, and fruiting are subject to So many climatic conditions like Air, Kind of soil, water, humidity, and temperature beyond our control.

Kindly note that a refund will be made only after a proper investigation of the whole scenario by our special team.

Essential Biosciences reserves the right to change or update the terms and conditions at any time with or without any prior notice. To make sure you are always updated on the terms and conditions, please review this website periodically.