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EBS Acetobacter SPP

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Availability: in stock

CFU : Minimum 2 X 108 per ml

How to use : Foliar Spray, Drenching.

Benefits : Acetobacter spp. is a biofertilizer that contains Acetobacter spp which can establish a symbiotic relationship with the plant roots and fix atmospheric Nitrogen. It is especially beneficial for sugarcane crops as it influences the soil rhizosphere and stimulates plant growth.

Target Crops : Groundnut, Soybean, Red-gram, Green-gram, Black-gram, Lentil, Cowpea, Bengal-gram, Fodder legumes.

Dose : For Foliar Spray: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr of water with sticker For Drenching: 4-5 ml/Ltr of water.

Packing Size : 1 LITER, 25 LITER CAN

Brand Name:Acetobacter spp.

CFU:2 X 10 8 per ml

HOW TO USE:Foliar Spray, Drenching.

Benefits: Acetobacter spp. is a group of bacteria known for its ability to oxidize ethanol to acetic acid, which is the primary process behind vinegar production. While Acetobacter spp. is commonly associated with vinegar production.contexts:

  1. Vinegar Production:Acetobacter spp. is essential in the production of vinegar through the fermentation of ethanol. The bacteria convert ethanol into acetic acid, which gives vinegar its characteristic sour taste and acts as a natural preservative.
  2. Biological Control:Some strains of Acetobacter spp. have been studied for their potential as biocontrol agents against plant pathogens. These bacteria can inhibit the growth of certain plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria, contributing to plant health.
  3. Nitrogen Fixation:Some strains of Acetobacter spp. are capable of nitrogen fixation. Like Azospirillum spp., they can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use, potentially enhancing soil fertility.
  4. Bioremediation:Acetobacter spp. has been investigated for its role in bioremediation processes. Some strains have shown the ability to degrade organic pollutants, such as aromatic hydrocarbons, which could be beneficial in environmental cleanup efforts.
  5. Probiotic Properties:In the context of fermented foods and beverages, Acetobacter spp. may contribute to probiotic effects. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that, when consumed in adequate amounts, can confer health benefits to the host.
  6. Food Fermentation:Apart from vinegar production, Acetobacter spp. is involved in the fermentation of other food products. For example, it plays a role in the production of traditional fermented foods like kombucha, where it contributes to the conversion of tea components into a tangy beverage.
  7. Acetone and Butanol Production:Some strains of Acetobacter spp. have been studied for their potential in producing acetone and butanol through fermentation processes. These compounds have various industrial applications, including use as solvents and biofuels.

Benefits:Acetobacter spp. is a biofertilizer that contains Acetobacter spp which can establish a symbiotic relationship with the plant roots and fix atmospheric Nitrogen. It is especially beneficial for sugarcane crops as it influences the soil rhizosphere and stimulates plant growth.

TARGET CROP:Groundnut, Soybean, Red-gram, Green-gram, Black-gram, Lentil, Cowpea, Bengal-gram, Fodder legumes

Dose: For Foliar Spray: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr of water with sticker For Drenching: 4-5 ml/Ltr of water



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